Category Archives: Learning self hypnosis

Did you know? Hypnosis is always self-hypnosis.

Nowadays it is known that basically any hypnosis, even when hypnotizing others, is a self-hypnosis. The hypnotist simply helps the test person to hypnotise themselves. Usually it happens by distracting their attention. Once a person is under hypnosis, he or she can then be influenced.

Learn self-hypnosis and use it in self-therapy

Become healthier through self-hypnosis

Many people ruin their health and increase their health risks through harmful eating habits. These can be eliminated and through this an indirect improvement in health is quickly noticeable. Aversions to hygiene measures can be eliminated and help can be given in making it easier to stick to a diet.

Healing sickness through self-hypnosis

There is a whole range of illnesses and suffering that can be made better or healed through self-hypnosis. But any treatments in this field through self-hypnosis must remain the domain of licensed practitioners, doctors or therapists. A successful outcome through its use by lay people in this area is questionable.

Combining the use of self-hypnosis with other therapies can often bring about success in many cases where previous attempts to achieve an improvement had failed.

Even many so-called incurable diseases can still be healed once self-hypnosis has set the mind free and initiated an inner readiness to heal. A combination of hypnosis, self-hypnosis and standard treatments can achieve a wonderful effect.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Learn self-hypnosis | Hypnotising others | How to get hypnotized

German language version: Selbsthypnose erlernen | Anwendung zur Selbsttherapie

Top performance in sport and mental abilities through self-hypnosis

Top sports performance through self-hypnosis

Every sportsperson, regardless of their talent or dedication to training, also complains to a greater or lesser extent about his or her faults and shortcomings. These can be overcome through self-hypnosis. Presence of mind, energy, skill and self-confidence are the basic essentials needed to achieve outstanding sporting performance. They can be improved and perfected through self-hypnosis.

Top intellectual performance and creativity

For those working in the liberal professions and in creative fields, self-hypnosis offers a whole range of special areas of application. It’s no longer necessary to wait for a positive or creative mood to take hold. You can conjure up the right mood quite simply through self-hypnosis and therefore you’re always ready to perform at your best whenever and wherever.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Top performance through self-hypnosis

German language version: Mit Hilfe der Selbsthypnose Höchstleistungen erreichen

Learn easier through self-hypnosis and improve your learning ability

Increase your learning ability and learn more easily

Another major area where self-hypnosis can be effectively applied is in increasing motivation to learn and removing memory blockages and exam nerves and performance anxiety. Anyone who has mastered self-hypnosis need no longer be anxious about exams. Self-study and every type of lesson learning situation become easier.

Enthusiasm and an improvement in performance

Enthusiasm, activity, initiative, determination, better performance, enterprise etc. can all be acquired and improved through self-hypnosis.

Concentration and memory performance

Of special importance for those who want to succeed are an ability to concentrate and good memory performance. This is where self-hypnosis can achieve a fundamental change and within a very short space of time.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Improve learning ability through self-hypnosis

German language version: Leichter lernen durch Selbsthypnose | Lernfähigkeit aktivieren

Durch Selbsthypnose leichter lernen und die Lernfähigkeit verbessern

Overcoming personal shortcomings through self-hypnosis

Undesirable habits can be overcome.

There are many undesirable habits and nearly all of them can be removed through self-hypnosis when used together with conditional suggestions (that is those suggestions that rely on conditional reflexes). These include nail biting, nose-picking, bed-wetting, addiction to pills, anxiety and stress-related illnesses etc.

Mental attitude adjustment through self-hypnosis

A negative attitude, whether it is all the time or only occasionally, may be eliminated through self-hypnosis. A negative attitude might be one of melancholy, anxiety, pessimism or negativity, to name just a few.

A change in your basic mental attitude can be achieved very quickly and effectively through self-hypnosis.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Overcoming personal shortcomings with self hypnosis techniques

German language version: Die Beseitigung persönlicher Mängel durch Selbsthypnose

Remove social inhibitions through self-hypnosis

Not only are social inhibitions unpleasant, they can also restrict our lives.

Social inhibitions hinder a person’s development and impede success in a person’s career, in love and relationships and in marriage. Such inhibitions include: facial blushing or turning red, awkwardness, shyness, a fear of public speaking, stammering and stuttering, being afraid of people, social anxiety, dejection, feelings of anxiousness, depression, stage fright, claustrophobia etc. etc. All of these inhibitions can be removed through self-hypnosis. As can the generally widespread inferiority complex and low self esteem, which shows a specific inhibition that does not appear in isolation but always together with other inhibitions (inhibition complex).

Self-confidence and poise. Self-hypnosis is not solely restricted to removing social inhibitions. Positive characteristics can be acquired as well. As each inhibition has a positive characteristic as its psychological counterpart, the whole procedure can be simplified by carrying out the simultaneous removal of the inhibition and the adoption of positive characteristics. When doing so, it can be noted that the success achieved in removing social inhibitions and the simultaneous adoption of positive characteristics is even greater the more the suggestions formulated are adapted to suit the individual (personal) characteristics of the person involved.

Personal courage, inner freedom and self-confidence

These are characteristics that are more important today than ever before. Through self-hypnosis they can be aroused, increased or developed. If self-hypnosis is applied over several weeks, it can turn you into a bold, free and self-confident person. This leads to a fundamental change towards your profession, marriage and entire life.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Removing social inhibitions through self-hypnosis

German language version: Selbsthypnose beseitigt seelische Hemmungen

Effectively strengthen suggestions as pre hypnosis for self-hypnosis

The natural continuing effects of self-hypnosis in daily life

Daily life shows us how special stimuli continue to have an effect even in a natural way. For the most part, it’s the exciting, impressive and emotional moments that stay in our minds even hours later. Even an exciting film can create a certain ongoing effect, in which specific scenes will be played again and again in our visual memory just before falling asleep or will even occur again in our dreams.

Now, however, it’s even possible to bring about specific ongoing effects and to make use of them, and which will even become stronger with frequent use. The basis of pre hypnotic suggestions is that the same stimulus repeated often has a stronger continuing effect.

Ultimately, you only need to shape these same repeated stimuli so that together they become suggestions.

There are various methods to produce pre-hypnotic suggestions that then take root effectively in a deeper self-hypnosis.

With the aid of a detailed step-by-step practical guide, you can learn about pre hypnotic suggestions in the hypnosis study course from Tony Gaschler.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Using self-hypnosis through pre hypnotic suggestions

German language version: Vorhypnotische Suggestionen wirksam verstärken | Anleitung

Learn self-hypnosis fast and safely in a step-by-step guide

It is well-known that suggestions (mental influences) take effect during hypnosis.

And it’s also understandable that it’s not possible to influence yourself during self-hypnosis.

Now there is a technique when using self-hypnosis that allows you to influence yourself effectively even before the actual hypnosis takes place. Through this, self-hypnosis has become practical to use for the first time.

This technique is called the pre-hypnotic suggestion.

The pre-hypnotic suggestion has its basis in the fact that if a stimulus is repeated often enough and regularly, it will linger in the memory or continue to have an effect. If a somewhat deeper self-hypnosis is then induced, the pre-hypnotic suggestion then continues to have an effect automatically and can become incorporated into the ideomotor system and be put into effect.

With the pre-hypnotic suggestion, a hypnoid state is already brought about, that is to say, a light self-hypnosis.

Even a light hypnosis can be sufficient to successfully overcome mental inhibitions, for example, or personal shortcomings. Therefore a deep hypnosis is not required for hypnosis therapy. A deeper self-hypnosis (hypotaxie) is only required in very difficult cases and this can easily be learned following a step-by-step guide (see graphic link below).

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Learn how to hypnotise myself | A step-by-step guide

German language version: Selbsthypnose lernen nach Anleitung | Alles im Selbstkurs!

The effects between hypnotizing others and self-hypnosis are identical

As hypnotizing others and self hypnosis are in essence the same, the same effects can be achieved with both of them.

Anything that is possible when hypnotizing other people is also possible with self-hypnosis.

The only difficulty arises in that when hypnotizing others the hypnotist can influence the test person but with self hypnosis there’s no hypnotist available. And while you’re under self hypnosis, you can’t influence yourself because any attempt to talk to yourself or to think consciously will cause you to awaken from the self hypnosis.

That is the reason why so little has been heard about self-hypnosis for such a long time.

Although it has probably always been possible to hypnotize yourself, hypnosis on its own does not make any sense. If you want to make use of it and achieve something with it, then you have to be able to influence yourself when you’re under hypnosis. Otherwise there’s no point to hypnotise yourself.

For self-hypnosis to achieve its practical purpose, there is, for example, a method by means of a so-called pre-hypnotic influence (pre- hypnotic suggestions).

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


A step-by-step guide to learn how to hypnotize yourself and others

German language version: Was Fremdhypnose kann, kann auch Selbsthypnose