Category Archives: Learning self hypnosis

Did you know? Hypnosis is always self-hypnosis.

Nowadays it is known that basically any hypnosis, even when hypnotizing others, is a self-hypnosis. The hypnotist simply helps the test person to hypnotise themselves. Usually it happens by distracting their attention. Once a person is under hypnosis, he or she can then be influenced.

Overcoming feelings of inferiority and an inferiority complex with the help of the EL-METHOD !

The EL-METHOD (Emotional Liberation Method) is a modern self-help technique by which anyone affected can overcome their emotional and social inhibitions such as an inferiority complex, a fear of social contact, feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, low self-worth or self-doubt together with the accompanying aspects of inhibition such as shyness, stage fright, blushing, a fear of public speaking  or social interaction, within a short space of time with a highly-effective self-help technique. The EL-METHOD is surprisingly easy and has been presented on German TV!

How can I overcome my inferiority complex with the EL-METHOD?

The systematic removal of a feeling of inferiority, which also falls under emotional inhibitions, will be achieved long-term with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler. With the EL-METHOD 100%-effective DYNAMIC autosuggestions are produced. Hypnoidal re-programming is only possible at all and without having to believe in it when it is carried out in connection with the DYNAMIC COMPONENTS. The feelings of inferiority are continuously dismantled and new and more self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEMS are formed.

The time needed for re-programming to become a more open and self-assured person is aligned with the modern lifestyle so it is possible to keep to the individual exercise times quite comfortably. They only last a few minutes on each exercise day.

Therefore there is no special effort or an especially strong will required to follow the method successfully in order to overcome an inferiority complex or feelings of inferiority, as you will be able to carry out all the exercises easily and gladly on account of their pleasant and fast effects. You’ll find that it’s even fun and pleasurable to do.

With the EL-METHOD you’ll learn immediately how you can rid yourself of your inferiority complex in just 10 weeks and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.


EL-METHOD | Overcome an inferiority complex and feelings of inferiority

German language version: Hilfe – Was tun gegen Minderwertigkeitskomplexe?

Creator of the EL-METHOD: Tony Gaschler, psychologist, hypnosis specialist and author

The creator of the well-known EL-METHOD self-study method is the psychologist, hypnosis expert and author, Tony Gaschler.

Tony Gaschler’s first major success was the MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES self-study method, which has enabled thousands of people, including alternative practitioners, doctors and psychologists, to learn how to master the practical use of hypnosis.

His second and most well-known successful work is the EMOTIONAL LIBERATION METHOD (EL-METHOD). The EL-METHOD has already helped numerous people to overcome their emotional and social inhibitions, blocks and barriers and to become open, self-assured and happy people once again.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Highly effective SELF-HELP METHODS by Tony Gaschler

German language version: Tony Gaschler: Psychologe | Hypnosefachmann | Fachschriftsteller

EL-METHOD ( Emotional Liberation Method ) on German TV on the topic of:

„Who will help me to overcome my fear?“ from 2 October 2000

  Moderator: Jacqueline Boyce

The editorial staff of RTL decided to tackle the issue of “anxiety“, a state that is widespread throughout the world, and shed light on it by bringing together a discussion panel on German TV of experts and those affected by anxiety and fears.

The diverse range of ways in which states of anxiety, phobias and neuroses can be triggered are demonstrated by the people suffering from these as examples. In the programme the experts highlight the possibilities that now exist to overcome these specific forms of anxiety.

Nowadays the fact that emotional and social inhibitions and barriers can equally trigger feelings of anxiety and panic attacks is nothing new. Those who are affected suffer from a fear of social contact, a fear of touching others or being touched, a fear of conversation and telephone calls, a fear of speaking or of public speaking, through to a fear of failure in front of certain people or groups of people.

Even repetitive feelings of uncertainty, such as blushing or turning red, shyness and intense stage fright, can trigger an oppressive feeling of anxiety.

 The appointed expert, Frank Stange, presented a special method of dealing with this issue. This is by way of the EE-Methode, which was developed in Germany and has also been available and become known in the English-speaking world under the name EL-METHOD (Emotional Liberation Method) from some time now.

In his youth Mr Stange was himself affected by emotional and social inhibitions and blocks, and came across the EL-METHOD in his search for a solution to his problem.

Mr Stange commented on the success of the EL-METHOD. Under the name EE-Methode it has been sold over 60,000 times in Germany. This is confirmed and documented by numerous thank you letters and success stories.

  The originator of this successful EL-METHOD is Tony Gaschler, who originally developed the method for his own use to conquer his own severe inhibitions.

Giving several examples, Mr Stange explained how the EL-METHOD functions. He pointed out how incredibly simple it is to apply the easy-to-understand method with great success.

The EL-METHOD is a highly-effective teach yourself method, which has been created to remove emotional and social inhibitions. At the same time it is useful to know that emotional and social inhibitions and barriers are not a form of illness. The inhibited person is completely normal and healthy and needs neither a psychologist nor a therapist.

Mr Stange demonstrates how you can reprogram your own personality through the uniquely-developed autosuggestions from Tony Gaschler.

 When doing so, it is important to know that these are NOT your ordinary, everyday autosuggestions or the ones for which a certain presumption or plausibility is necessary to achieve an actual effect.


W o r t h y   o f   n o t e:
Mr Stange stated that an EMOTIONALLY DYNAMIC AUTOSUGGESTION is involved. The uniqueness of it lies in the fact that its effects take place immediately and these effects are programmed automatically whether you believe in them or not.

In the following you’ll receive the entire EL-METHOD material.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

EL-METHOD | Overcoming emotional and social inhibitions and anxiety

German language version: EE-Methode on TV

Help for stuttering and overcoming stammering with the EL-METHOD – How to not stutter

The causes of stuttering and stammering are often due to mental anxiety. Stuttering that is caused by anxiety can even be overcome through self-help.

Stuttering, anxiety about stuttering ( stuttering anxiety ), lalophobia, glossophobia, verbal problems and stammering are, in many cases, just like the fear of public speaking or speech anxiety, a fear of speaking to others or to strangers, a fear of failure, exam anxiety, speech fright, shyness etc., merely mental inhibitions, which have arisen through a strict upbringing or through oppression.

Speaking with the speech tools

Speaking serves mainly to express thoughts, information and communications. Speaking with the speech tools takes place subconsciously automatically. As soon as we think of something and want to express it, the speech act occurs without conscious intervention. However, if we are aiming to hold something back, then the speech flow is interrupted. Speech becomes jerky, stuttered and uncertain.

Self-conscious people feel subconsciously that other people can easily see through them if they look the latter in the face whilst speaking. They feel then that others can notice that they are holding back and hiding their true emotions. And this increases their nervousness and makes them even more self-conscious than they already are. If someone watches their mouth as they speak, they begin to stammer and to stutter.

Just how far such a false and unnatural approach can reach, can be seen in people who stutter.

Those who stutter are of the view – and this is where their upbringing has to take the blame – that speaking takes place solely with the speech organs and this comprises consciously forming individual letters and from these building up words and sentences. However, the conscious efforts at speech of people who stutter are bound to fail as this view is false and unnatural. The speech procedure takes place in all of its individual functions, such as building words and sentences, fully automatically in the subconscious. Merely the content and meaning of that which is spoken arises out of conscious thought.

Should a person who stutters learn that speaking is a livelier complete expression, that speaking is most especially the expression of emotions and that the actual speech procedure is completely irrelevant as it takes place subconsciously automatically, then an improvement takes place immediately. The stuttering becomes less or the stuttering disappears completely on its own.

How can one now overcome stuttering or stammering systematically?

So that the self-conscious person can continue to develop freely and safely, he simply needs to overcome his social anxiety. Fortunately there is the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler, which has been conceived precisely to remove and overcome social anxiety systematically.

The areas of application of the EL-METHOD include:

  1. highly effective emotional developmental techniques
  2. newly-developed dynamically effective auto-suggestions (always effective, no belief or effort required)
  3. effective special effects from modern self-hypnosis techniques

All these efficient tools in the EL-METHOD produce a free response system, which enables poise and composure with long-term effective freedom of expression in which SPEAKING is carried out fully AUTOMATICALLY and freely.

Try it out now and experience for yourself how the EL-METHODworks.


German language version: Hilfe & Tipps – Was tun gegen stottern? Selbsthilfe durch Hypnose Therapie!

When you know how to hypnotize you have the following advantages:


  1. You can exercise a positive effect on those around you. This can even extend to the fact that others do what you want. When you can hypnotize, you are a master of the art of influencing people.
  2. With the ability to hypnotise, you’ll learn how to lead, manage and influence people. This gives you power over others and power over their fate. The way upwards to a better position, to a higher income and to greater success is open. Anyone who can lead, manage and persuade people is a member of the elite and in demand everywhere.
  3. You’ll cope more easily with life. Things and situations that used to throw you off balance lose their effectiveness. You’ll view life and your surroundings with completely different eyes. With the ability to hypnotize, you’ll always be a winner wherever you go.
  4. With the ability to hypnotise, you will be more self-controlled and bolder as you recognize how people really are. You’ll lose any feelings of inferiority you might have had and any mental inhibitions, such as shyness, stage fright, fear of public speaking, inferiority complexes and other social anxieties, as you will realize all at once that these have only arisen out of a lack of knowledge about relations within human society.
  5. You will become more self-assured and feel freer within yourself. Self-confidence, self-assurance and poise will be your main characteristics and there is nothing that you have to fear anymore. Your entire being will change and unexpected powers within you will demand realization. With the ability to hypnotize, you’ll gain the poise of a carefree, self-aware personality with something to say.
  6. When your friends, acquaintances and all those around you have noticed that you can hypnotise and have become a completely different person, they will admire and respect you. You can take on a starring role within your own sphere of life and even far beyond when you consistently use your knowledge and skills.
  7. The knowledge and skills that you gain in learning to hypnotize represent an indestructible wealth. This wealth will outlast wars and it cannot be destroyed by any loss of value of money. That is why such knowledge and skills are one of the most secure capital investments ever. No-one can take it from you and no-one can forbid you from using it.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

You, too, can learn how to hypnotise |  MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES

German language version: Hypnotisieren können bietet viele Vorteile

Various methods of rapid hypnosis | Learn step-by-step

There are many rapid hypnosis methods in the field of rapid hypnosis and nearly every hypnotist has his or her own methods. Show hypnotists in particular make use of rapid hypnosis in order to impress their audience and to create a good basis for all suggestion experiments in an awake state. There is nothing that can convince and surprise an audience more than the fact that a hypnotist can hypnotize someone so quickly and safely. Some hypnotists that work on the stage with rapid hypnosis use the moment of mental inhibition that a normal person feels when he or she find themselves on a stage in front of an audience.  They then only need to look at the relevant test person and make a sleep suggestion. Usually with this type of person the SELF is anyway no longer in the center of consciousness simply because of their shyness.

Other methods of rapid hypnosis are:

  • The test person stands in front of the hypnotist who looks the person in the eyes and makes a few suggestions of heaviness followed immediately by sleep suggestions.
  • Or the hypnotist  makes only a few  suggestions, which produce drowsiness and then sleep.
  • The hypnotist asks the test person to fix their gaze on a finger or on a shiny object and after a few seconds simply suggests heaviness in the test person’s eyelids and sleep.
  • Or the hypnotist lightly strokes the test person’s temples and at the same time suggests that the person’s eyes are heavy and sleepy. Upon hearing the suggestion:  “Now go to sleep, very deeply and soundly — more and more soundly!” The test person falls asleep.

Rapid hypnosis methods are very interesting for a layperson, for hypnosis therapy they are only used in exceptional cases, apart from post-hypnosis with post-hypnotic suggestions or post-hypnotic signal methods. This is because a rapid hypnosis that is produced by fast and ultra-fast methods is usually light and superficial, and the same results can be achieved with awake suggestion experiments. Everything you need to know about rapid hypnosis with step-by-step experiments can be found in MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES by Tony Gaschler.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

 Learn rapid hypnosis step-by-step  | MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES

German language version: Schnellhypnose lernen nach Anleitung | Hier einige Schnellmethoden

Learn flash hypnosis with a step-by-step guide to post- hypnosis

What is flash hypnosis? A layperson usually only has a vague idea of what is meant by flash hypnosis. There are certain techniques and methods that anyone can use to place a test person under hypnosis in just a few seconds. When doing so, we differentiate in fast hypnosis between:

  1. Flash hypnosis through the use of a post-hypnotic signal, so-called signal hypnosis. This has an effect on certain test people within just a few seconds and in a few cases even within the space of split seconds. This reaction depends, however, on having a suitable test person who has often been hypnotized successfully.
  2. Light rapid hypnosis, this then occurs if a light hypnosis in suitable test people is brought about using fast methods. As a light hypnosis is not sufficient for many purposes, it usually has to be deepened further. This then means that the speed of producing the hypnosis is of little benefit. It is better to use a normal method of hypnosis, which produces a deeper hypnosis in a test person immediately.

Flash hypnosis, which belongs to the field of rapid hypnosis, is usually used in hypnosis demonstrations with several test people. However, as part of the hypnosis procedure, which itself usually only requires a split second, also includes preparing the test person by carrying out experiments with other test people, this fast method does not really save any time either

Simple flash hypnosis. When you have transmitted a post-hypnotic suggestion to a test person, you no longer need to follow the actual hypnosis procedure in one of the methods described. You can simply place the test person under hypnosis by using a post-hypnotic signal. To do this, you can use a phrase, a gesture or physically touch the test person.

As simple words, gestures and touching the test person may occur by chance and unintentionally, it is best to choose a safe method. In this case, it is better to use one of the safe three point instant hypnosis methods as flash hypnosis, which are likewise described in the MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES book by Tony Gaschler with a step-by-step guide.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

Learn flash hypnosis with a step-by-step guide | MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES

German language version: Posthypnose sofort | Blitzhypnose lernen nach Anleitung

Fast Post hypnosis – a flash hypnosis through post hypnotic suggestions

Flash hypnosis, fast hypnosis or instant hypnosis can be easily achieved after several hypnosis trials through post hypnotic suggestion. The suggestion is made to the test person that the next time he/she is hypnotized, upon hearing the word  “SLEEP!” he/she will fall quickly and deeply asleep. You can learn the exact procedure with experiments following a step-by-step guide to post hypnosis and post-hypnotic suggestions in the MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES instructions by Tony Gaschler.

Flash hypnosis through post hypnotic suggestions within seconds. If you have a good test person with whom all your experiments have worked so far, you can hypnotize that person through post hypnotic suggestion within a split second at any time if the previous hypnosis was not too long ago. Test people may react differently but on average in post hypnosis you can expect it to have an effect for a period of several hours or even up to several days. However for some test people the post hypnosis effect is significantly longer and in some circumstances may even last for several months if the test person was placed under a sufficiently deep hypnosis and had already been hypnotized often.

To prepare your test person for post hypnosis, say: “In the future when I touch you on the shoulder and at the same time say, ….<variable term >…., then you will immediately fall into a deep, sound sleep, sleeping just as deeply and soundly as you are sleeping now!“ When you try this, use a term that doesn’t occur in normally daily speech.

Then wake up the test person and immediately try a test to see if the person falls asleep upon hearing the signal word phrase. If you want to experiment more often with the same test person, you can try the test again after one or two hours. The more often and the shorter the time periods in between that you hypnotize a test person using post hypnotic suggestions, the more certain it is that this flash hypnosis will work.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES | Experiments with step-by-step guide

Learn fast hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestions

German language version: Blitzhypnose durch posthypnotische Suggestion | Posthypnose

Audio hypnosis as the suggestion giver | Self-hypnosis with CD

Inducing self-hypnosis through audio hypnosis. Before we go more deeply into audio – self – hypnosis, let’s take a closer look at the recording device as the suggestion-giver for audio hypnosis. It’s important for this that a recording device (e.g. CD player, Flash player) is available that makes excellent speech reproduction possible, for example from a CD.

Note for beginners: With beginners an unclear reproduction, or one that is faulty in some other way, may easily cause the self-hypnosis to be lighter or to wear off completely. Nor should any lack of understanding or misunderstanding of the individual suggestions occur, as the suggestions will be realized exactly as they were understood and taken in.

Any suggestion that is to be recorded on a recording device for audio hypnosis must first of all be written down and be thought through several times. Rushing into attempts is pointless and fundamental errors may even cause damage. So, FIRST OF ALL THINK ABOUT IT! For example, the suggestions recorded on CD should be written in the way in which they would actually be given to a hypnotized person. Between the individual, specific suggestions so-called deepening suggestions should be given so that the hypnosis does not become lighter through the suggestions coming from the audio hypnosis. This is especially important for beginners. However, if you have already mastered the experiment techniques of Modern Hypnosis Techniques by Tony Gaschler, this is irrelevant if the ability to self-hypnotize has been thoroughly trained.

Audio hypnosis suggestions during normal sleep. When a person is sleeping at night, specific regions of the brain are still interactive. This fact can be made use of during sleep to place suggestions in the ideomotor system. These kind of suggestions are stored on recording devices, such as Flash players or CDs, and then during sleep they are played back at specific times. The automatic start of the audio hypnosis can be controlled by a time switch, for example.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

Using audio hypnosis CD | MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES by Tony Gaschler

German language version: Selbsthypnose mit CD | Suggestionen durch Audio Hypnose

Modern hypnosis therapy through audio self hypnosis

It’s only recently that methods have been found that make optimum self-hypnosis possible. In particular, these include pre-hypnosis suggestions and the use of audio hypnosis to make the suggestions. Just how far the latter method can actually be viewed as self-hypnosis is questionable as audio hypnosis is basically presented by a hypnotist, that is to say, by a second person or a stand-in.

However, if the person involved speaks the suggestions for the audio self hypnosis onto a recording device him/herself, then we can quite easily speak of a true self-hypnosis.

Audio hypnosis as evidence of modern hypnosis therapies. The fact that it is possible to hypnotize someone with audio hypnosis, even if the hypnotist that spoke the suggestions for the audio hypnosis onto a recording device is far away, proves that it is not the hypnotist personally who is the determining factor but simply the words that are spoken and the videes contained in the worlds.

If, as many people still believe today, the hypnotist truly did emanate a certain something, a power or magical effect, then it would not be possible to use audio self hypnosis to hypnotise through the use of an inorganic recording device.

In this case, hypnotism would then also take place through the television and through the air waves. Again, the hypnotist would be several hundred kilometres away and, despite this, would be able to place a number of people under hypnosis.

The fact is that suggestions are actually transmitted by audio hypnosis, and the form that this takes is irrelevant. The important thing is that these suggestions are formed in such a way that they can be picked up by the person involved so that they can trigger an effect in the ideomotor system.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

Audio self hypnosis – the modern hypnosis therapy by Tony Gaschler

German language version: Audio Hypnose als moderne Hypnosetherapie | Anleitung