Learn flash hypnosis with a step-by-step guide to post- hypnosis

What is flash hypnosis? A layperson usually only has a vague idea of what is meant by flash hypnosis. There are certain techniques and methods that anyone can use to place a test person under hypnosis in just a few seconds. When doing so, we differentiate in fast hypnosis between:

  1. Flash hypnosis through the use of a post-hypnotic signal, so-called signal hypnosis. This has an effect on certain test people within just a few seconds and in a few cases even within the space of split seconds. This reaction depends, however, on having a suitable test person who has often been hypnotized successfully.
  2. Light rapid hypnosis, this then occurs if a light hypnosis in suitable test people is brought about using fast methods. As a light hypnosis is not sufficient for many purposes, it usually has to be deepened further. This then means that the speed of producing the hypnosis is of little benefit. It is better to use a normal method of hypnosis, which produces a deeper hypnosis in a test person immediately.

Flash hypnosis, which belongs to the field of rapid hypnosis, is usually used in hypnosis demonstrations with several test people. However, as part of the hypnosis procedure, which itself usually only requires a split second, also includes preparing the test person by carrying out experiments with other test people, this fast method does not really save any time either

Simple flash hypnosis. When you have transmitted a post-hypnotic suggestion to a test person, you no longer need to follow the actual hypnosis procedure in one of the methods described. You can simply place the test person under hypnosis by using a post-hypnotic signal. To do this, you can use a phrase, a gesture or physically touch the test person.

As simple words, gestures and touching the test person may occur by chance and unintentionally, it is best to choose a safe method. In this case, it is better to use one of the safe three point instant hypnosis methods as flash hypnosis, which are likewise described in the MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES book by Tony Gaschler with a step-by-step guide.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.

Learn flash hypnosis with a step-by-step guide | MODERN HYPNOSIS TECHNIQUES

German language version: Posthypnose sofort | Blitzhypnose lernen nach Anleitung