Top performance in sport and mental abilities through self-hypnosis

Top sports performance through self-hypnosis

Every sportsperson, regardless of their talent or dedication to training, also complains to a greater or lesser extent about his or her faults and shortcomings. These can be overcome through self-hypnosis. Presence of mind, energy, skill and self-confidence are the basic essentials needed to achieve outstanding sporting performance. They can be improved and perfected through self-hypnosis.

Top intellectual performance and creativity

For those working in the liberal professions and in creative fields, self-hypnosis offers a whole range of special areas of application. It’s no longer necessary to wait for a positive or creative mood to take hold. You can conjure up the right mood quite simply through self-hypnosis and therefore you’re always ready to perform at your best whenever and wherever.

Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Top performance through self-hypnosis

German language version: Mit Hilfe der Selbsthypnose Höchstleistungen erreichen