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The nature of blushing and how to overcome it.

Blushing is probably the most peculiar and also the most human of all forms of expression. It is known that chimpanzees turn red from passion. However, to make us believe that animals blush just the same as people would require an enormous amount of evidence.

Turning red is a consequence of a rise in blushing from embarrassment (the actual human blushing is a logical consequence of the involuntary relaxing of the small veins under the skin. As a result of this, the very fine capillaries in the skin are so full of blood that they can be seen externally as a more or less intense red colouring of the skin. This process is most likely triggered by stimulation of the vasomotoric centres affected in the brain).


Without doubt a strong quick-tempered type of excitation (such as anger, annoyance or fear) has an effect on the entire bloodstream and also on the heart’s activity. Despite this, however, blushing is not a direct and immediate aftereffect of the heart’s activity or that of the bloodstream.

Turning red cannot be triggered by physical means, like a smile can be triggered by tickling the skin or even crying out in response to pain. It is in the spirit and the mind of a person where blushing is triggered. Blushing is an involuntary process of social and emotional inhibitions. Alone the desire to repress this process is enough to increase the tendency to blush through the simple fact that it focuses attention on the person themselves.

Younger people turn red much more easily, quickly and also more often than older people. Yet very young children do not blush. This is quite surprising as it is well-known that young children – similar to chimpanzees – can turn red in the face when they become emotional. However, this is not blushing in the true sense of the word.

I once received a report about two young girls aged between two and three years who blushed. Similarly, another young child, who was a year older, also always turned red when he was caught out in a mistake.

At an advanced age children blush very easily and often very strongly; the majority respond with inhibitions such as shyness or feelings of inferiority. It appears as though the mental ability in very young children has not yet developed to the extent that they blush the same as adults.

This possibly explains why people with dementia or mental limitations seldom blush although their face may turn red occasionally from happiness or anger.

Women blush much more often than men. It is rare for an older man to turn red. However, it’s not so unusual for older women to blush.

Even those who are blind can go red. Mr R.H. Blair, the principal of Worcester College, says that three of the eight children at his institute who were born blind blush violently and quickly. As Mr Blair states, it is an important part of these children’s education to make them aware that they are being observed by other people. And it is this in particular that makes a tendency to blush very important and encourages it because through this these blind children acquire the habit of focusing attention on their own person.

You can learn immediately how you can effectively stop yourself from blushing with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Finally free from blushing with the aid of the EL-METHOD

German language version: Das Wesen von Erröten | Hilfe gegen Rot werden

The emotional function of blushing serves as self-protection.

Taking blushing as an example, we want to put it all together in a clear, more easy-to-understand way:

If a person has an emotional blockage in their brain through the repeated repression and avoidance of expression of one and the same emotion, and if the person experiences the same emotion once again in this or that situation or in front of this or that person, then through this the upper intensity limit of this emotion blockage will be exceeded.

Overstepping the upper intensity level for this emotion will now be perceived by the brain as a protection and safety mechanism (an automatic regulating system) and this will then become operative and will discharge the emotional blockage by means of blushing or turning red so that the emotional intensity does not gain further in strength and as a result become a danger to the person’s health. This discharge takes place via the autonomous nervous system. However, by nature this is closely linked to the endocrine gland system. The effect of an automatic emotional discharge therefore makes itself apparent by a simultaneous effect on the nerves and glands.

The effect on the nerves becomes obvious in that the person feels self-conscious and insecure. The effect on the glands is such that hormones enter the bloodstream. The properties of these hormones cause the blood vessels of the face to relax and expand. The blood vessels in the face can then take up more blood, which manifests itself by a feeling of warmth in the face and the face taking on a red colour (becoming red). The emotional blockage is discharged and calmed down in this way. In other words, it is EXPRESSED.

In this way different emotions have different effects once they are discharged from their blocked state. There are emotions (especially those of affection or love, but also those of shame and guilt) whose discharge is the phenomenon of blushing. Other emotions merely discharge as a more or less strong feeling of insecurity or self-consciousness. Whereas there are emotions that cause a sudden outbreak of sweating if they are automatically discharged, and yet others that cause the speech system to fail and cause stammering and stuttering. However, upon the automatic discharge of emotional blockages some form of inhibition phenomena appears, which over time leads to an inferiority complex.

Yet inhibition phenomena are nothing other than a safety valve for blocked emotions, which make sure that emotional blockages cannot become too strong.

You can find out how to rid yourself effectively of excessive facial blushing immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Rid yourself of excessive facial blushing with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Wie und warum kommt es zum Erröten – Ist es ein Schutzmechanismus?

Tip: Admitting blushing or turning red has a disinhibitory effect

To achieve a feeling of nonchalance faced with the expectation that you’ll possibly turn red, it’s a big help if you can change your basic attitude.

If you should ever go red, then simply remain relaxed and think positively. Such warmth to the complexion is much more attractive than a pale, white colour.  Many people apply blusher or tan themselves to a reddish brown in order to achieve some colour in their face. Take a laid-back view of it and even be proud of your fresh complexion. You can be sure that even if you turn red, you will not go as completely red as many of those affected seem to think. The people around you will perceive your facial colour as a much paler colour than you might suppose. It is a pleasing colour that many will even envy you for.

With a little courage, you can even go so far as to simply consciously admit your sudden blushing to those around you. Admitting to inhibitions has two special effects:

  1. Through this admission, the inhibition immediately becomes weaker because you become mutually more confiding and trusting in those around you and have nothing more to hide. At the same time, most feelings of inferiority also disappear.
  2. The people around you will give you their full confidence. You will be completely respected by them. Admitting to our feelings of inferiority gives rise to an effect that cannot be processed by our behavioural control mechanism. In this event it is impossible to make a fool of yourself or to feel like a fool.

Take a lesson from acting and say:

“That you are a little embarrassed or that you often turn red when surprised.  But that it’s also supposed to be good for the circulation.“


“Oh now I’m getting a warm, bright colour in my face. It should stay like this all the time then I wouldn’t need to wear any blusher.“


“Oh, now I’m getting a nice complexion. Perhaps my hair will even start to grow better (again)?“


“I’m very nervous and my whole face is glowing like a Belisha beacon. Could we perhaps open a window?“

In this way, or similarly, you can lay out your honest feelings and play to your audience.

Such honest admissions will cause everyone to respect you. A person will immediately trust in you because you state the truth. Namely the truth that you have turned red.

Your humorous remarks will be viewed by the person you are speaking to as pleasant interaction and at the same time will serve to conquer your own embarrassment.

Only those who try to hide their true feelings, are less than honest or dissimulate, will be immediately and intuitively exposed (without exception!) by those present. There is no possibility of creating any trust in this case, a subconscious distance is created or a secret malicious pleasure may even arise, and there are even those people who will take advantage of this to make fun of the person who is inhibited.

To make it impossible to blush or turn red, the response system that is working at a subconscious level in the background has to be ”reprogrammed“.

When applying the EL-METHOD, the subconsciously functioning control system will adapt to every disruptive factor, or setback in this case, as a side effect, and will always work towards removing the interference as best possible, as here, too, it is always attuned to ensuring happiness.

This occurs through a combination of dynamic autosuggestion + hypnoidal suggestion + the removal of emotional inhibitions, as well as the use of effective expression techniques and valuable help techniques.

You can learn how to effectively overcome and avoid excessive facial blushing immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Avoid excessive facial blushing with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Zugeben von Erröten oder Rotwerden wirkt enthemmend

The laws governing your face turning red.

As soon as the first signs of your going red start to appear, the worst thing you can do is to use your willpower to fight against turning red.

The law states that the more you try to fight against turning red, the stronger you will start to blush.

However, if you give free rein to the emergence of your inhibition or even consciously try to make your blushing even more obvious, then you will be amazed to note that it is completely impossible to go red or that it immediately becomes weaker.

Try to consciously put yourself in those situations where you would normally turn red. Think in those moments that it is completely irrelevant to you whether or not you go red: Everyone present can easily know that every now and then I turn red, but from now on it doesn’t matter to me at all. Consequently, turning red then becomes impossible. It may be easy to say these sentences but, despite this simple rule, due to the former response system they are not so easy to implement.

It is especially the case with blushing that the person blushing tries with all his might not to turn red. However, with his compulsive desire he achieves exactly the opposite, his emotional inhibitions become stronger and he blushes even more violently. This is a physical law of nature. The more you try to force something, the more you achieve the opposite of what you’re trying to do.

Often attempts are made to hold on tight to successful moments of blushing not occurring and lock them away like jewels in a casket, and the hope is born with “hopefully, hopefully…” that no facial blushing will occur the next time either.

Yet a compulsive desire or non-desire also lies behind this “hopefully”. With the desire that “hopefully I won’t blush!“ you try to inwardly avoid going red at any cost in a possible inhibition situation.

You can learn how to systematically and effectively rid yourself of the automatic compulsion of this unnatural habit and thus avoid your face going red immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Avoid turning red with the help of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

German language version: Die Gesetzmäßigkeiten von Erröten oder Rotwerden

Stop your face going red immediately with the aid of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

Your face turning red is the result of a behavioural reaction to trying to conceal your emotional inhibitions.

If you want to avoid blushing, it’s best not to try fighting against turning red. If you were to try consciously to blush or to create a similar feeling, you wouldn’t be able to turn red, as our reaction system, or the interlinked system of our body, mind and spirit, which runs in our subconscious, is always directed towards joy and happiness.

It may sound like a paradox but it is a perpetual law of nature:

If you try to achieve something or even if you try not to achieve something by the power of your will and by force, then you always achieve the opposite.

With the help techniques in the EL-METHOD it will be possible to virtually eliminate the automatic compulsion that causes your face to turn red as a matter of course. The key to this are the physical theorems and the practical applications relevant to the subject of “compulsive desire” so that “compulsion” and “absolute desire” can be switched off.

The double effect against facial blushing is the repetition method that is used in the EL-METHOD.

Using theEL-METHOD to free yourself of emotional inhibitions, such as your face going red, shyness and an inferiority complex, is the right way to become a more open, freer person. Why not try it yourself right now?

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Stop turning red with the aid of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

German language version: Was tun gegen Rotwerden | Erröten vermeiden

Overcome a lack of human contact or a fear of social contact with the aid of a highly-effective self-help method. Never again suffer a fear of social contact!

A lack of social contact usually occurs if for locational, time or health reasons it is not possible to have any contact either temporarily or even for a long period of time.

However, there are also people who shy away from contact with other people and prefer to remain alone. The reasons for this may be manifold. Some people are more naturally inclined to prefer being on their own.

Whereas others would dearly love to have social contact with others but suffer from a lack of contact or are afraid of contact, because they suffer from emotional and social inhibitions.

Immediate help is available for this!

With the EL-METHOD, you can immediately experience amazing feeling of relief when in just a short space of time you overcome your fear of contact or lack of contact and become a more open, socially inclined and self-confident person.


EL-METHOD | Overcome a fear of contact or lack of contact quickly and easily

Overcoming self-doubt and emotional insecurity with the EL-METHOD – the self-help therapy for self-assurance and self-confidence.

Emotional insecurity has many different causes and it is important for each person to identify where their emotional insecurity and self-doubt is coming from. As a general rule, emotional insecurity and fear normally derive from a restricted state of mind. This, in turn, is linked to a feeling of being separated from other people and the feeling of moving around in an environment that is unsafe or even hostile.

Then there are specific reasons for a feeling of anxiety and emotional insecurity. These can be caused by all sorts of difficulties that have often been experienced in the past, starting with your conception or experiences in your childhood, during puberty and in your adult life.

Emotional insecurity in human relations is one of the most widespread emotional inhibitions, which responds to society with a lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem, social awkwardness and self-doubt.

And it’s precisely this that can now be helped!

With the EL-METHOD you can learn immediately how in just 10 weeks you can rid yourself of your emotional insecurity and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.


EL-METHOD | Rid yourself of emotional insecurity simply and quickly

Overcoming stage fright with the aid of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

A healthy feeling of self-confidence ensures that social inhibitions such as stage fright and other emotional insecurities become weaker. On the other hand, new inhibitions then start to appear again and again, which again weaken the healthy self-confidence. Thus it is now our task to strengthen self-confidence and to weaken stage fright.

There is no better way of doing it than through the conviction that you can reduce your stage fright to a healthy basic level of tension and knowing that this works. Every triumph over the self increases your self-confidence and feelings of self-worth and the next triumph is then easier to reach on account of this. With respect to social inhibitions, all other remaining blocks and barriers then become weaker when we manage to remove one inhibition first of all, such as stage fright or fear of public speaking.

How can I overcome stage fright and all my other inhibitions?

It is usually the case that someone not only has extreme stage fright but also other inhibitions, which also manifest themselves to a greater or lesser degree.

Through the systematic self-expression training with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler, STRONG EFFECTS are achieved, which not only cause all inhibitions to simultaneously disappear but also systematically increases self-confidence and makes it possible to conduct oneself in a self-assured manner.


Overcoming stage fright with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Mittel, Tipps und Hilfe – Was tun gegen Lampenfieber?

Overcoming shyness and bashfulness quickly and safely with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

Social and emotional inhibitions are a very prevalent burden affecting a lot of people.

It is particularly those inhibitions such as shyness, bashfulness, self-doubt, lack of confidence, lack of self-esteem, social awkwardness, emotional insecurity and inferiority complexes that prevent people from feeling able to take part in normal society.

When you consider that it is exactly those people who suffer from social and emotional barriers and blocks that have certain special qualities, are rich in knowledge and experience and possess valuable skills, then you can better understand that the human race suffers enormous damage alongside these sufferers.

To achieve success, you have to also make it possible to make use of such knowledge and skills. Out of this, practical opportunities arise that are also of benefit to society. However, making use of these natural opportunities is destined to fail if a person is suffering from emotional and social inhibitions.

No matter how shyness or a lack of confidence manifests itself in any individual, emotional insecurities are always the result of a restrictive upbringing that started in childhood and has persisted until the state it has reached today. These learned emotional blocks arise subconsciously and cause a person to respond with emotional inhibitions such as shyness and an inferiority complex.

What can I do to get over my shyness or my low self-esteem?

First of all, it is a matter of doing away with the emotional blocks and acquiring a response system free of inhibitions.

You can learn now how you can obtain an unrestricted response system and become a more open and self-assured person through the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.


EL-METHOD |  Overcoming shyness and a lack of confidence

German language version: Tipps und Mittel – Was tun gegen Schüchternheit?

Overcoming feelings of inferiority and an inferiority complex with the help of the EL-METHOD !

The EL-METHOD (Emotional Liberation Method) is a modern self-help technique by which anyone affected can overcome their emotional and social inhibitions such as an inferiority complex, a fear of social contact, feelings of inferiority, low self-esteem, low self-confidence, low self-worth or self-doubt together with the accompanying aspects of inhibition such as shyness, stage fright, blushing, a fear of public speaking  or social interaction, within a short space of time with a highly-effective self-help technique. The EL-METHOD is surprisingly easy and has been presented on German TV!

How can I overcome my inferiority complex with the EL-METHOD?

The systematic removal of a feeling of inferiority, which also falls under emotional inhibitions, will be achieved long-term with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler. With the EL-METHOD 100%-effective DYNAMIC autosuggestions are produced. Hypnoidal re-programming is only possible at all and without having to believe in it when it is carried out in connection with the DYNAMIC COMPONENTS. The feelings of inferiority are continuously dismantled and new and more self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEMS are formed.

The time needed for re-programming to become a more open and self-assured person is aligned with the modern lifestyle so it is possible to keep to the individual exercise times quite comfortably. They only last a few minutes on each exercise day.

Therefore there is no special effort or an especially strong will required to follow the method successfully in order to overcome an inferiority complex or feelings of inferiority, as you will be able to carry out all the exercises easily and gladly on account of their pleasant and fast effects. You’ll find that it’s even fun and pleasurable to do.

With the EL-METHOD you’ll learn immediately how you can rid yourself of your inferiority complex in just 10 weeks and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.


EL-METHOD | Overcome an inferiority complex and feelings of inferiority

German language version: Hilfe – Was tun gegen Minderwertigkeitskomplexe?