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Get over a fear of speaking and overcome speaking anxiety

Human beings are social creatures. True self-development can only be realised by an individual within human society. Even a true experience of happiness always involves other people. A fear of speaking in public, however, prevents any feelings of happiness. Should an individual withdraw from social contact and remain within the safe shell of his own self, then he can neither experience true happiness nor is he in a position to actually develop and realise his potential.

Mental inhibitions and social anxiety such as a fear of public speaking, being afraid to speak, of stuttering anxiety or speech anxiety, even a fear of exams, isolate people from human society.

Social anxiety prevents people from taking full and active part in society. A fear of public speaking ( afraid of speaking ) are therefore the major enemy of true happiness and of any real self-development. For an inhibited person to become capable of fully developing and realising their true potential, their negative mental inhibitions and social anxiety must be overcome. And this can be done with the EL-METHOD. This is not just a method for removing inhibitions but is simultaneously a method of self-development.

How can one now overcome fear of public speaking systematically?

You can get over a fear of public speaking through a response system that is free of any inhibitions.

Help with anxiety over stuttering and a fear of speaking in front of others is possible immediately with the EL-METHOD.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

EL-METHOD | Get over fear of speaking | overcome fear of public speaking

German language version: So beseitigen Sie Ihre Redeangst!

Emotional inhibitions are often the cause of emotional anxiety.

We live in a hectic and results-oriented age in which more and more people are affected by emotional anxiety over the course of their lives. Emotional pressure will continue to become stronger and emotional development will be increasingly restricted. As a result, emotional blocks are formed as a matter of course.

Some people are shy, feel inferior and have emotional inhibitions when it comes to dealing with other people. Many cannot make friends and feel lonely. Others find it impossible to use public transport or even to give a speech before a group of people. Perhaps you also feel the same and are looking for a way of ridding yourself of your emotional anxiety.

We’ll show you just how you can release yourself from your emotional inhibitions effectively and permanently with the EL-MTHOD from Tony Gaschler.


EL-METHOD | How to overcome emotional anxiety

How can I stop facial blushing? Stopping your face turning red is amazingly simple!

Over years of research the famous psychologist, Tony Gaschler, has developed a method to free himself from social and emotional inhibitions such as shyness, a fear of speaking, facial blushing and going red: the EL-METHOD.

This method is a holistic method and, on the one hand, provides an intellectual understanding of the causes of facial blushing andturning red.

On the other, the EL-METHOD is intended as a practical method of elimination in order to rid oneself systematically of many other social inhibitions such as a fear of public speaking, stammering, stage fright, shyness, an inferiority complex and also from turning red.

Once you have applied all the practical instructions of the EL-METHOD over a fixed period of time, you will note to your surprise that in addition to other types of emotional blockages, your blushing has become noticeably weaker and more seldom.

The shy and inhibited person no longer withdraws from other people because he is suffering from shyness and inhibitions. No! Completely the contrary: he suffers from inhibitions and shyness because throughout his upbringing he has learned to withdraw from those around him and from human society.

The problem of blushing is an emotional problem.

However, it is also a SOCIAL problem. And it can only be solved satisfactorily by a general emotional release and removal of inhibitions.

The practical EL-METHOD instructions show you the path you have to follow if you want to become an open and self-assured person, and if you want to participate in and experience everything that is happening fully and completely.

The problem with blushing cannot simply be solved by you merely overcoming the fact that you turn red, but by you changing your entire personality structure thoroughly and systematically from a shy and inhibited person to an open and emotionally expressive, outgoing, content, self-assured and lively personality. And when you do this, then turning red will no longer be a problem for you for you simply won’t blush anymore.

Now we’re going to show you how you can free yourself effectively from facial blushing with the aid of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Stop blushing now – The systematic release from going red with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Hilfe & Mittel – Was tun gegen rot werden | Rot werden verhindern

Stop your face from turning red with the help of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

Freedom from blushing or turning red

As blushing involves an emotional problem, it can only be permanently removed through general emotional freedom and systematic removal of emotional inhibitions by means of self-programming.

Simply by trying to address the problem from an intellectual point of view may lead in less serious cases to the turning red becoming more seldom and less obvious but true release from turning red cannot be expected in this way.

The intellectual understanding of the causes and functions of blushing, however, has a very positive effect. Namely, this understanding can lead to a person finally bringing themself to do something about it and to set the stage for a new life and a new future.

It is especially the person who suffers from shyness and inhibitions who avoids radical decisions. This person tries to go through life without causing any ripples. However, once the person who is suffering from inhibition and shyness finally arrives at the conclusion that they are not the victim of their blushing but rather they are the originator and cause of it, then they begin to think in a positive sense and start to question why everything should remain as it has been so far.

Thus what can be done against blushing and how can I avoid going red?

In order not only to clearly identify the causes of your inhibitions but also to overcome them in a practical manner, you are standing or sitting here in exactly the right place. With just one click on the EL-METHOD you can put an end to your mental suffering. From now on there’s just one goal for you: becoming an open and self-assured person.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

EL-METHOD | Stop your face from going red effectively

German language version: Was hilft gegen Erröten ? | Rot werden vermeiden | Hilfe

One of the causes of facial blushing is extreme shyness!

Charles Darwin himself described shyness as one of the main causes of blushing.

The four main characteristics of a shy person are:

  1. Owing to a lack of self-confidence, the shy person places an exceedingly high level of importance on the opinion of other people.
  2. The shy person is constantly afraid to express their true thoughts, feelings, emotions and moods, and therefore gives the impression of a reserved, modest person who has inhibitions about expressing themselves.
  3. They normally look timid and uncertain.
  4. A person suffering from shyness easily blushes and usually without any apparent reason for doing so.

The main cause of these social inhibitions and emotional blockages, that is, that so many people have a lack of self-confidence and suffer from low feelings of self-worth, lies without doubt in an authoritarian and repressive upbringing.

At the same time, however, we should not place the blame directly on individual parents or teachers as they, too, have suffered an authoritarian and repressive upbringing at the hands of their parents and grandparents. We have to look at where the blame really lies, namely with the entire system of raising children in the past, which unfortunately is still in effect very widespread today.

As an authoritarian and repressive upbringing always assumes that children should think, feel and do whatever adults think, feel and do, this leads to placing too high a value on the opinion of other people while at the same time undervaluing one’s own opinion. And this is one of the main characteristics of the inhibited, insecure and shy person.

As a child may not express his or her thoughts, sentiments, feelings, emotions and opinions freely, truly and spontaneously in an authoritarian and repressive upbringing without being punished or at the very least without expecting to be criticised for them, habitual blockages occur in personal expression.

Shy people are always inhibited in expressing themselves because in childhood and during their youth they learned to repress, withhold and hide their natural feelings and emotions.

However, where a child has been beaten or abused for years, and despite this for once wants or wanted to express him or herself freely, genuinely and spontaneously, usually an almost panic-ridden fear of free expression exists. With time young people become used to having to withhold and repress their feelings and emotions and thus they become modest, reserved, submissive and ”well brought up“ adults, who have the disadvantage that they suffer from inhibitions such as shyness and inferiority complexes.

Although people who suffer from shyness usually give the impression of being calm, modest, submissive and “well-behaved“, usually inside they are often seething with hate, antisocial thoughts and subconscious feelings of revenge towards their family members, the people around them and often against all human society.

As shy people have not learned to express their emotions (sentiments, feelings and disposition) freely, authentically and spontaneously, they are full of blocked emotions and it is precisely this that keeps their inhibited self and shyness effective their entire lives.

The inner intellectual world of the shy person is a logical consequence of their false upbringing and as this maelstrom of ideas is not always “moral“, such people usually have some kind of guilty conscience.

This apparently guilty conscience then involuntarily releases a kind of uncertainty in the eye movements and expression in the presence of other people. At the same time the thought arises: “What would others think if they know what I was thinking?”

In this way the shy person is practically forced to continue to repress, withhold and hide their true thoughts, sentiments, feelings, emotions and opinions. This then continues to keep the cycle going of being inhibited, of shyness and of the annoying habit of blushing.

How to free yourself effectively from shyness and your face turning red can be learned immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Effectively overcome your face turning red with the aid of the EL-METHOD

German language version: Ist Schüchternheit die einzige Ursache von Erröten | Rotwerden?

Turning red is simultaneously automatic self-hypnosis

Going red can also be explained as the effect of involuntary self-hypnosis.

When doing so, however, you have to start from the views put forward by Dr S. J. van Pelt, President of the British Society for Medical Hypnosis, in his book ”HYPNOTISM“. He writes:

“One hundred percent concentration is synonymous with deep hypnosis. Feelings (emotions) concentrate the mind into a state of hypnosis or self-hypnosis.

And in this state, every idea that is absorbed works with the power of a hypnotic suggestion, even if the person himself is not aware of it.“

It is a well-known fact that in a state of hypnosis (self-hypnosis), that is to say in a state where the mind is FULLY CONCENTRATED (or to put it another way, in a state where FULL and COMPLETE ATTENTION is focused in a single direction) physical effects can be triggered simply by spoken words. Thus it is child’s play to cause a hypnotised person to turn red by saying to the person: “Your face will now become red, redder and redder!“ You then only need to wait about 10 to 20 seconds before the response cycle causes the blood vessels in the face to relax completely and the results become visible.

If you assume that a one-hundred percent concentration of attention is synonymous with a state of self-hypnosis, then you won’t be surprised to find that blushing occurs with “hypnotic“ certainty as soon as a person fights against it WITH ALL HIS WILLPOWER.

In this state of FULL and COMPLETE resistance the person’s attention is one hundred percent concentrated and this concentration is directed towards the basic idea: BLUSHING!

If you further consider how Dr van Pelt says that emotions (e.g. fear is a strong and highly effective emotion!) centre the mind in a state of self-hypnosis, then it becomes clear that a higher degree of fear (anticipated fear) of blushing in connection with the idea of blushing can automatically trigger blushing to manifest itself to its fullest extent.

This allows us to put forward the formula that CONCENTRATION ON TURNING RED when combined with the EMOTION OF FEAR automatically triggers actual blushing.

This principle naturally also applies to other types of inhibition that trigger shyness, a fear of speaking and other feelings of inferiority.

The same rules also apply to annoying habits, compulsive behaviours or addictive behaviours such as excessive smoking and eating.

If we speak of hypnosis in relation to turning red, then we mean self-hypnosis and not the show booth style of hypnosis, nor do we mean any sleep-like state.

We are simply and solely assuming that hypnosis basically involves a highly-concentrated state of consciousness that is triggered by strong feelings (emotions, emotional excitement) and in which an idea that is at the centre of attention can be realised more or less.

In principle any hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis, even if a person is hypnotised by a hypnotist. For this reason, hypnosis can only be achieved if the person being hypnotised (previously this was also called a medium) agrees to this of his own free will and lets himself be hypnotised willingly. The hypnosis procedure consists of the hypnotist using his words to cause the person being hypnotised to voluntarily turn his attention to the feeling of physical relaxation and to keep it there. After a time the person’s body relaxes more and more and a state of highly-concentrated attention is reached. It is then in this state of highly-concentrated attention that through his words (called suggestions) the hypnotist can exercise a certain influence on the subconscious and involuntary functions of the person being hypnotised.

Thus in this way, for example, under hypnosis a doctor can place healing suggestions, thoughts and ideas in the subconscious, which then become reality over time as long as the person is prepared to take part in hypnosis sessions repeatedly. Hypnosis is more frequently used nowadays in alternative therapy treatments for healing purposes.

You can learn how to effectively rid yourself of your face going red immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

 EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

 EL-METHOD | The effective end to facial blushing

German language version: Ist das Erröten oder auch Rot werden nur Selbsthypnose?

The ineffectiveness of negative concepts contributes to facial blushing or smoking.

A very simple and easy-to-understand theory of facial blushing is provided by Richard H. Jordan in his book, “Self-confidence and success in life through IDE-O-MATIC“. Jordan works on the premise that negative concepts such as NOT, NONE, NOTHING etc. do not have any effect in any way at all on our subconscious.

In practice this means, for example, that the following sentences mean exactly the opposite for our subconscious: I DON’T WANT TO TURN RED! I DON’T WANT TO SMOKE! I DON’T WANT TO EAT NOW! I DON’T WANT TO SHAKE! I DON’T WANT TO WATCH TELEVISION TODAY etc.

Transmitted in the language that the subconscious understands, these sentences then mean: I WANT TO TURN RED! I WANT TO SMOKE! I WANT TO EAT NOW! I WANT TO SHAKE! I WANT TO WATCH TELEVISION TODAY etc.

From this perspective we can learn to recognise and understand many patterns of human behaviour that otherwise are not accessible or are only partly accessible to our intellect. For example, the compulsory nature of so many human habits as well as the many incomprehensible patterns of behaviour of children and young people.

Let’s take the problem of smoking first of all, which today is more urgent than ever. Although every smoker knows that they are systematically damaging their health, they simply cannot break the habit. Without doubt there is a subconscious compulsion at work here.

If we accept Jordan’s theory that negative concepts do not have any effect on the subconscious, we are able to understand that it is precisely the smokers that are smoking most who are constantly running around with the thought: “I DON’T WANT TO SMOKE!”. It is through this thought that they persuade themselves every day, again and again, that “I WANT TO SMOKE!”

Even social inhibitions such as inferiority complexes, shyness, a fear of public speaking, a fear of failure etc. are affected by this.

It is likewise the same with blushing. The underlying thought of the blushing person is: “I DON’T WANT TO BLUSH!”

According to Jordan’s theory, however, it is exactly this thought from which the subconscious takes the understanding that: “I WANT TO BLUSH!” And because the subconscious functions AUTOMATICALLY, it simply functions in the way that it has been programmed, so blushing also occurs just when you DON’T want to turn red.

You can learn more about this with the EL-METHOD, about how you can free yourself of facial blushing in just a short space of time with effective techniques.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

 Help against turning red | Overcoming inhibitions

German language version: Ich will nicht mehr Erröten! Ich will nicht mehr rauchen! Hier ist die Lösung!

The paradoxical reaction from your face going red: Blushing becomes even stronger the more you fight against it!

By a PARADOXICAL REACTION we mean a nonsensical, illogical, incorrect, counterproductive reaction.  That blushing is just such a paradoxical reaction can be derived from the following two facts:

  1. Turning red only ever occurs if you attempt to prevent, hide, cover up or repress it. Thus you always turn red just when you DON’T WANT TO TURN RED.
  2. Turning red can never happen if you try hard and CONSCIOUSLY TO TURN RED. Thus you cannot blush when you want to intentionally blush.

The fact that you blush at those times when under no circumstances do you want to turn red is well-known to anyone who blushes from their own experience. The second fact, however, that you cannot turn red when you deliberately and intentionally want to, appears incomprehensible when you first hear it. Despite this, it is and remains a fact.

Interesting insights in this area are provided by the basic principles of autosuggestion (self-influence). Emile Coue, the founder of conscious autosuggestion, drew up the following laws:

  1. In a conflict between will and the power of imagination, the latter will always win without fail.
  2. In a conflict between will and the power of imagination, the strength of imagination is directly proportional (maintains the same ratio) to the will exerted.

Taken in relation to turning red, this means that anyone who suffers from blushing and therefore tells themselves that in any given situation they are going to turn red, they are going to turn even more red the more they deliberately try to fight against it. This unnatural pattern of behaviour gives rise over time to social inhibitions such as shyness or feelings of inferiority.

This brings up the question as to whether turning red is nothing more than a fragment of the IMAGINATION.

Perhaps it only represents the personal OPINION of the blushing person who only imagines and supposes that they are going to blush in a certain situation and then, when this situation occurs, they make every conscious effort to prevent, hide, cover up or repress the supposed blushing through their WILLPOWER. The result then is that, as a direct consequence of this conscious effort, blushing is actually triggered. So in effect the person only goes red because they have consciously made an effort to repress it.

How can you put an end to this inopportune behavioural pattern and how can you stop going red?

You can learn all about how to free yourself in just a short space of time from facial blushing with the aid of the EL-METHOD and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Stop going red with the aid of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

German language version: Das Erröten verstärkt sich, wenn man willentlich dagegen ankämpft

Breaking with etiquette – oversensitive people blush sooner

The rules of etiquette always relate to our conduct towards other people around us.

These rules of conduct, however, do not necessarily have anything to do with moral feelings and often are without reason, yet if they are broken, they trigger inhibitions such as facial blushing. These rules of etiquette depend on how we were brought up to behave towards our equals or our superiors or the manners we have acquired ourselves and whose appearance we respect.

That is why they are often as binding as the rules of honour are binding on every well-mannered person. Therefore any breach of the rules of etiquette, for example impoliteness, inappropriate behaviour or remarks – even if completely accidental – triggers emotional inhibitions or feelings of inferiority in shy and sensitive people such as excessive blushing.

Even just remembering such an occasion can still produce a sensation throughout the entire body for a long time after.

There are also cases where a person starts to blush simply by watching someone else make a gross breach of etiquette, even though it has absolutely nothing to do with them, they are not involved at all and are not even affected by it.

How can you change such an inopportune behavioural pattern and free yourself from social inhibitions such as facial blushing or shyness?

With the EL-METHOD you can immediately discover how in just a short space of time you can lessen your emotional inhibitions such as facial blushing and shyness and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Reduce facial blushing with the aid of the EL-METHOD

German language version: Rot werden Erröten | Verletzungen der Etikette

What is the behaviour pattern of shyness and blushing inhibitions?

This curious psychological state, which is sometimes also labelled as a false sense of shame, seems to be one of the most effective causes of blushing. Shyness manifests itself by a lowering of the eyes and looking away, by specific, awkward, contrary and nervous movements of the body and by actually turning red.

Some women though turn red from shyness perhaps a hundred or even a thousand times before they even once turn red because they actually have done something that might be worthy of reproach or for which they ought to be embarrassed.

Shyness depends on sensitivity to the opinion of others, especially in relation to outward appearances. At the same time, it can involve a positive opinion just as easily as a negative one. Other people usually don’t know anything about our conduct or our character and are hardly even interested in it, but they can criticise our outward appearance and frequently do so. For this reason, shy people have a particular tendency to become shy and to turn red when they are in the company of strangers.

The simple awareness that you have a special feature or even that there is just something different about your clothing, or even some kind of insignificant feature of your personal or even facial appearance that could invite criticism, a feature that could easily attract the attention of a stranger, makes an already shy person even more shy to the extent that it is scarcely bearable.

If, however, it is a matter not so much of personal appearance but rather more to do with personal conduct and behaviour, then the shy person becomes even more shy, inhibited and self-conscious in the presence of those people the shy person knows and on whose personal judgement the shy person places a high value. Some people are so sensitive in this respect that they only need to be spoken to for their self-consciousness to rise to the fore and to trigger a light blush.

Disapproval and ridicule more easily trigger shyness and blushing than approval or praise, although these are also very effective at causing some people to turn red.

Conceited people are seldom shy and hardly ever experience any feelings of inferiority as they have such a very high opinion of themselves that they are unable to assume that other people might have a low opinion of them.

However, the reason why proud people in particular should be extremely shy can be put down to the fact that, despite their self-confidence, they place a lot of reliance on the opinion of others even if this is usually in a disparaging way.

Shy and timid people are seldom inhibited in the company of those they trust insofar as they are assured of their good opinion and affection. For example that of a daughter towards her mother.

Shyness or timidity is often associated with fear due to the origins of the words. Despite this, shyness or timidity are not the same as fear. A timid person obviously fears observation or being watched by others. However, it cannot be said that the shy person is afraid of others on a regular basis. He may be as brave as any hero in battle but in smaller matters in the presence of strangers he may be extremely shy and respond with inhibitions.

Just about everyone is extremely nervous and tense and has a touch of stage fright when he or she has to speak for the first time in front of an audience. Most people remain nervous and tense their whole lives. This doesn’t have to be a consequence of shyness but can also arise out of a conscious awareness of the imminent major challenge even if the person feels completely capable of mastering it. Yet despite this, shy people suffer in such situations considerably more than others.

With very young children it is very difficult to distinguish between fear and shyness even though shyness can occur at a very early age. With one of my own children I noted a trace of shyness when she was two years and three months old when I returned from being away from home for a week. Although she didn’t go red, her eyes turned away from me for a few minutes. On other occasions I have seen how shyness and shame can appear in the eyes of young children even before they have developed the ability to blush.

To all intents and purposes, shyness depends on self-esteem (from drawing attention to ourselves). This is why it is also easy to understand that it is very damaging to children if they are ridiculed for their shyness or even punished as the only effect that is achieved by this is that they focus their attention even more on themselves. Nothing can cause more damage to young people in this respect than having their feelings constantly watched and the impression that a merciless observer or audience is permanently staring at their face. In such circumstances they are unable to think of anything other than the fact that they are constantly being watched and can feel nothing except shame and anxiety.

You can learn immediately how to effectively rid yourself of emotional and social inhibitions with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Removing shyness and blushing with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Schüchternheit und Erröten | Hemmungen auflösen mit der EE-Methode