The laws governing your face turning red.

As soon as the first signs of your going red start to appear, the worst thing you can do is to use your willpower to fight against turning red.

The law states that the more you try to fight against turning red, the stronger you will start to blush.

However, if you give free rein to the emergence of your inhibition or even consciously try to make your blushing even more obvious, then you will be amazed to note that it is completely impossible to go red or that it immediately becomes weaker.

Try to consciously put yourself in those situations where you would normally turn red. Think in those moments that it is completely irrelevant to you whether or not you go red: Everyone present can easily know that every now and then I turn red, but from now on it doesn’t matter to me at all. Consequently, turning red then becomes impossible. It may be easy to say these sentences but, despite this simple rule, due to the former response system they are not so easy to implement.

It is especially the case with blushing that the person blushing tries with all his might not to turn red. However, with his compulsive desire he achieves exactly the opposite, his emotional inhibitions become stronger and he blushes even more violently. This is a physical law of nature. The more you try to force something, the more you achieve the opposite of what you’re trying to do.

Often attempts are made to hold on tight to successful moments of blushing not occurring and lock them away like jewels in a casket, and the hope is born with “hopefully, hopefully…” that no facial blushing will occur the next time either.

Yet a compulsive desire or non-desire also lies behind this “hopefully”. With the desire that “hopefully I won’t blush!“ you try to inwardly avoid going red at any cost in a possible inhibition situation.

You can learn how to systematically and effectively rid yourself of the automatic compulsion of this unnatural habit and thus avoid your face going red immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Avoid turning red with the help of the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler

German language version: Die Gesetzmäßigkeiten von Erröten oder Rotwerden