Tip: Admitting blushing or turning red has a disinhibitory effect

To achieve a feeling of nonchalance faced with the expectation that you’ll possibly turn red, it’s a big help if you can change your basic attitude.

If you should ever go red, then simply remain relaxed and think positively. Such warmth to the complexion is much more attractive than a pale, white colour.  Many people apply blusher or tan themselves to a reddish brown in order to achieve some colour in their face. Take a laid-back view of it and even be proud of your fresh complexion. You can be sure that even if you turn red, you will not go as completely red as many of those affected seem to think. The people around you will perceive your facial colour as a much paler colour than you might suppose. It is a pleasing colour that many will even envy you for.

With a little courage, you can even go so far as to simply consciously admit your sudden blushing to those around you. Admitting to inhibitions has two special effects:

  1. Through this admission, the inhibition immediately becomes weaker because you become mutually more confiding and trusting in those around you and have nothing more to hide. At the same time, most feelings of inferiority also disappear.
  2. The people around you will give you their full confidence. You will be completely respected by them. Admitting to our feelings of inferiority gives rise to an effect that cannot be processed by our behavioural control mechanism. In this event it is impossible to make a fool of yourself or to feel like a fool.

Take a lesson from acting and say:

“That you are a little embarrassed or that you often turn red when surprised.  But that it’s also supposed to be good for the circulation.“


“Oh now I’m getting a warm, bright colour in my face. It should stay like this all the time then I wouldn’t need to wear any blusher.“


“Oh, now I’m getting a nice complexion. Perhaps my hair will even start to grow better (again)?“


“I’m very nervous and my whole face is glowing like a Belisha beacon. Could we perhaps open a window?“

In this way, or similarly, you can lay out your honest feelings and play to your audience.

Such honest admissions will cause everyone to respect you. A person will immediately trust in you because you state the truth. Namely the truth that you have turned red.

Your humorous remarks will be viewed by the person you are speaking to as pleasant interaction and at the same time will serve to conquer your own embarrassment.

Only those who try to hide their true feelings, are less than honest or dissimulate, will be immediately and intuitively exposed (without exception!) by those present. There is no possibility of creating any trust in this case, a subconscious distance is created or a secret malicious pleasure may even arise, and there are even those people who will take advantage of this to make fun of the person who is inhibited.

To make it impossible to blush or turn red, the response system that is working at a subconscious level in the background has to be ”reprogrammed“.

When applying the EL-METHOD, the subconsciously functioning control system will adapt to every disruptive factor, or setback in this case, as a side effect, and will always work towards removing the interference as best possible, as here, too, it is always attuned to ensuring happiness.

This occurs through a combination of dynamic autosuggestion + hypnoidal suggestion + the removal of emotional inhibitions, as well as the use of effective expression techniques and valuable help techniques.

You can learn how to effectively overcome and avoid excessive facial blushing immediately with the EL-METHOD from Tony Gaschler.

EL-METHOD. Overcoming facial blushing and stop going red, shyness, insecurity, low self-esteem, stage fright, inferiority complex, lack of contact  and any other social inhibitions and emotional barriers.

Avoid excessive facial blushing with the EL-METHOD

German language version: Zugeben von Erröten oder Rotwerden wirkt enthemmend