Category Archives: How to stop going red

Facial blushing, or also simply referred to as your face going red, is a commonly occurring type of inhibition which is often very inconvenient in public and as a result usually restricts a person’s quality of life. However, fortunately there is now an excellent method for all those suffering from it in the form of the EL-METHOD, which helps you to eliminate facial blushing or your face turning red forever.

Overcoming fear of failure with the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler

A fear of failure is completely normal. Fear in small doses can even help to improve your performance in general. Our fears express what is important to us: success and recognition in our profession and in society by other people. The more important something is to us, the more we are afraid of losing it.

An excessive fear of failure, however, blocks our abilities. Like most fears, excessive fears, which ultimately lead to mental blockages, find their origin in our childhood caused by our upbringing.

How does a fear of failure arise?

A fear of failure is learned. Due to specific experience in childhood, we develop a low feeling of self-worth and from this a strong if not overreaching need for recognition develops. This need for recognition by others leads to a fear of rejection and thus to a fear of failure.

Instead of allowing children freedom from restraints as far as possible, excessive rules of behaviour are often imposed that prevent any unrestricted behaviour. “I will only be accepted if I’m nice.“ The dependent child instead learns as a means of self-protection how he has to behave in order to please his parents or those raising him.

If we don’t have the basic trust that we will be taken care of, then we develop a major fear of rejection and of being cast aside, which today is responsible for your fear of rejection and of failure.

A fear of failure can exhibit itself in many different ways at a professional and social level, which can react together with different areas of social anxiety: “A man sees a lady at a party whom he finds attractive and he thinks about whether he should speak to her.“ “An employee is offered a management position but is afraid of failing when giving speeches at meetings behind closed doors.”

Ultimately a fear of failure is the result of social anxiety, which has arisen during our upbringing through suppressing emotions and by a restricted and preventive pattern of behaviour.

How can I now get over fear of failure systematically?

So that the self-conscious, restricted person can once again develop freely and self-assuredly, his social anxiety and fears must be systematically replaced by unrestricted, behavioural responses.

An effective opportunity to obtain an unrestricted and normal reaction system is by self-application of the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler.

Read now how the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler works


EL-METHOD | How to get over fear of failure

Help for stuttering and overcoming stammering with the EL-METHOD – How to not stutter

The causes of stuttering and stammering are often due to mental anxiety. Stuttering that is caused by anxiety can even be overcome through self-help.

Stuttering, anxiety about stuttering ( stuttering anxiety ), lalophobia, glossophobia, verbal problems and stammering are, in many cases, just like the fear of public speaking or speech anxiety, a fear of speaking to others or to strangers, a fear of failure, exam anxiety, speech fright, shyness etc., merely mental inhibitions, which have arisen through a strict upbringing or through oppression.

Speaking with the speech tools

Speaking serves mainly to express thoughts, information and communications. Speaking with the speech tools takes place subconsciously automatically. As soon as we think of something and want to express it, the speech act occurs without conscious intervention. However, if we are aiming to hold something back, then the speech flow is interrupted. Speech becomes jerky, stuttered and uncertain.

Self-conscious people feel subconsciously that other people can easily see through them if they look the latter in the face whilst speaking. They feel then that others can notice that they are holding back and hiding their true emotions. And this increases their nervousness and makes them even more self-conscious than they already are. If someone watches their mouth as they speak, they begin to stammer and to stutter.

Just how far such a false and unnatural approach can reach, can be seen in people who stutter.

Those who stutter are of the view – and this is where their upbringing has to take the blame – that speaking takes place solely with the speech organs and this comprises consciously forming individual letters and from these building up words and sentences. However, the conscious efforts at speech of people who stutter are bound to fail as this view is false and unnatural. The speech procedure takes place in all of its individual functions, such as building words and sentences, fully automatically in the subconscious. Merely the content and meaning of that which is spoken arises out of conscious thought.

Should a person who stutters learn that speaking is a livelier complete expression, that speaking is most especially the expression of emotions and that the actual speech procedure is completely irrelevant as it takes place subconsciously automatically, then an improvement takes place immediately. The stuttering becomes less or the stuttering disappears completely on its own.

How can one now overcome stuttering or stammering systematically?

So that the self-conscious person can continue to develop freely and safely, he simply needs to overcome his social anxiety. Fortunately there is the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler, which has been conceived precisely to remove and overcome social anxiety systematically.

The areas of application of the EL-METHOD include:

  1. highly effective emotional developmental techniques
  2. newly-developed dynamically effective auto-suggestions (always effective, no belief or effort required)
  3. effective special effects from modern self-hypnosis techniques

All these efficient tools in the EL-METHOD produce a free response system, which enables poise and composure with long-term effective freedom of expression in which SPEAKING is carried out fully AUTOMATICALLY and freely.

Try it out now and experience for yourself how the EL-METHODworks.


German language version: Hilfe & Tipps – Was tun gegen stottern? Selbsthilfe durch Hypnose Therapie!

Overcoming test anxiety or exam anxiety

Social anxiety and mental inhibitions of a negative type such as exam anxiety, text anxiety, a fear of public speaking or being afraid to speak, or stuttering anxiety are always developmental inhibitions.

They prevent self-development within human society and thereby prevent the mind from adapting to a natural and normal state of human consciousness – equanimity and the experience of joy.

Examples of such negative inhibitions on development are: nervousness in the company of others, a fear of public speaking or being afraid to speak , blushing, speaking to authority figures, self-consciousness with members of the opposite sex, inferiority complex, a fear of people, a lack of courage, shyness, lack of social contact, inability to express oneself and only saying what you think people want to hear, feelings of anxiousness about certain people or groups of people, fear of specific situations, avoidance of eye contact, lack of sangfroid, exam anxiety or a fear of tests, performance anxiety, avoidance of social events or anywhere people are gathering, a fear of entering public offices and dealing with people in authority, feelings of embarrassment, feelings of trepidation, sweating in certain situations and in front of certain people, fear of initiating and maintaining conversation etc.

How is it possible to overcome exam anxiety?

For those who suffer a fear of exams, not only do various behavioural symptoms arise but the fear of exams also causes an information blockage. Due to developmental inhibitions, the flow of information will actually be cut off. All the knowledge that has been acquired is suddenly irretrievable in the moment of exam anxiety. It could be surmised that an entire career could depend on this expected occurrence of exam anxiety.

A fear of exams and similar fears and behaviours grouped together under social anxiety are developmental inhibitions. All these blockages have to be overcome and replaced by a free, uninhibited and self-assured poise.

You can achieve this when you have a response system free of inhibitions, which you can systematically build up by applying the EL-METHOD by Tony Gaschler.


Overcome performance anxiety | test anxiety | fear of exams | exam anxiety

German language version: Hilfe & Tipps * Was tun gegen Prüfungsangst | Prüfungsangst bewältigen

Remove social inhibitions through self-hypnosis

Not only are social inhibitions unpleasant, they can also restrict our lives.

Social inhibitions hinder a person’s development and impede success in a person’s career, in love and relationships and in marriage. Such inhibitions include: facial blushing or turning red, awkwardness, shyness, a fear of public speaking, stammering and stuttering, being afraid of people, social anxiety, dejection, feelings of anxiousness, depression, stage fright, claustrophobia etc. etc. All of these inhibitions can be removed through self-hypnosis. As can the generally widespread inferiority complex and low self esteem, which shows a specific inhibition that does not appear in isolation but always together with other inhibitions (inhibition complex).

Self-confidence and poise. Self-hypnosis is not solely restricted to removing social inhibitions. Positive characteristics can be acquired as well. As each inhibition has a positive characteristic as its psychological counterpart, the whole procedure can be simplified by carrying out the simultaneous removal of the inhibition and the adoption of positive characteristics. When doing so, it can be noted that the success achieved in removing social inhibitions and the simultaneous adoption of positive characteristics is even greater the more the suggestions formulated are adapted to suit the individual (personal) characteristics of the person involved.

Personal courage, inner freedom and self-confidence

These are characteristics that are more important today than ever before. Through self-hypnosis they can be aroused, increased or developed. If self-hypnosis is applied over several weeks, it can turn you into a bold, free and self-confident person. This leads to a fundamental change towards your profession, marriage and entire life.

 Modern Hypnosis Techniques. Advanced Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis. Learn how to hypnotize yourself and others. A step-by-step guide to hypnosis with more than 60 practical exercises.


Removing social inhibitions through self-hypnosis

German language version: Selbsthypnose beseitigt seelische Hemmungen