Emotional inhibitions can be easily overcome with the aid of the EL-METHOD!

Emotional inhibitions are not an illness! A person who is suffering from emotional inhibition is completely normal and healthy. Emotional inhibitions are merely incorrect and misguided behavioural patterns that have once been learned and acquired and like all habits are adhere to fully automatically and involuntarily.

To put it scientifically: Emotional inhibitions are inhibitory RESPONSE SYSTEMS.  They cause the inhibited person to react with emotional inhibition towards their environment and the people around them, completely subconsciously and automatically.

Contrary to the inhibited person, the free person has an open and self-assured RESPONSE SYSTEM, which allows them to respond freely and self-confidently to their environment and people around them.

What is the easiest way for me to overcome my emotional inhibitions?

With the EL-METHOD you can experience at once how you can rid yourself of your emotional inhibitions in just 10 weeks and become a more open, self-assured and self-confident person.


EL-METHOD | Overcome social and emotional inhibitions, blocks and barriers

German language version: Seelische Hemmungen – keine Krankheiten | selbstsichere Reaktions-Systeme