Category Archives: Learning in your sleep

In the today’s time the learning in the sleep is a welcome help. All learning contents like words, languages, texts or even auto-suggestions can be stored away meanwhile during the Schlafens boundlessly in the subconsciousness. One needs the instructions from the textbook LEARN WHILE YOU SLEEP, the desired learning springs as well as some technical devices which everybody can get itself simply and favourably.

Texts learn in hypnosis

Another method is learning while under hypnosis. On the one hand it has an important advantage: only very few repetitions are needed when under hypnosis. On the other hand, however, it has the disadvantage that a suitable hypnotist is probably only available on rare occasions.

We have now learned the most important methods of actual sleep-learning and will now go on to examine other learning methods in depth, which likewise have many advantages and are very useful in a variety of ways. These methods are based more or less on the same principle as learning while you sleep, that is, on the receptiveness of the subconscious. The difference between these methods and actual sleep-learning is found solely in the fact that it is not necessary to be in an actual sleeping state but instead in a more or less half-awake or completely awake state.  There are many interim states between the state of being awake and that of sleep and, as hypnosis and suggestions teach us, a person is actually only completely awake in very few exceptional cases. This means, however, that he is always in a position to take in learning matter subconsciously, and this is what we want to exploit.

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

Learning in hypnosis

Subliminal learning sleep

Now we want to get to know a whole new way of learning and trying to make it applicable: The subliminal learning. How man can take subconscious knowledge, without even being aware of how to listen, it may include some subconscious contents even record even if they are designed so that they can be consciously perceived, and no longer recognized. So if these are among the recording threshold of consciousness.
To make the foundations of this type of inclusion in the subconscious mind as clear as possible, here are two examples:

  1. First In a hypnosis experiment with a recording folk festival music was played, and in such a loud and close that you can not hear yourself speak could. But first, a subject was hypnotized to hearing this noise, but only what was spoken to her. Well – the result was that the subject to a degree unlikely that understood what the investigator told her, without being disturbed by the music festival. It was impossible to talk with another person even a single word, because every word sank in the volume of the voice, so consequently disappeared beneath the conscious inclusion threshold. According to this principle, it is also educational content learn subliminally.
  2. Second In a movie theater in New Jersey acting subliminally Projector is placed. This hidden extremely short time (1/3000 second) every 5 seconds in the demonstration of an ordinary film short sentences like: „Get popcorn“ and these overlays any of the spectators were aware, since so short sentences with a 1/3000 second can not could be perceived consciously. But still the sales of popcorn rose in this movie by about 75%. In another presentation in the viewer: „Get Coca Cola“ and then also the sales of Coca-Cola rose by about 75% in this movie.

It is clear, therefore, that both sound like light signals can be absorbed by the human consciousness, if they are below the recording threshold of consciousness, thus no longer be consciously perceived. The effect of subliminal learning proves it, and finally there are no better and safer than just proof of the success.

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

 Subliminal learning

Faster and easier to learn by learning while sleeping

Knowledge of all material can be introduced also in the memory during sleep. But we also know that memories like vocabulary, formulas, or text alone does not benefit much. We need to practice still, when we learn, because the inserted memory contents are supposed to be recalled at any time.

But the main work takes on the method „learning while you sleep“, which will bring only benefits. We can sleep with this method of learning by repetition eg contribute with an MP3 player, so much vocabulary, idioms, texts and formulas, as we want, and no longer need us waking to grow gray hairs about how we acquire knowledge. We make learning with this method is much easier because we know that in my sleep introduced knowledge is stored as in hypnosis. We therefore need only focus on our entire conscious learning activity, to practice the application of knowledge and perfection. But still no one shall go now and ask about a miracle in a day or overnight. This gives us not the best method. Still we have to consciously work on it, the knowledge that we acquire in their sleep, consciously to reproduce at any time to recall words.

If we take texts and vocabulary in his sleep, then we have the next day with conscious learning the inner feeling, as if we have learned the lyrics and vocabulary a long time ago and only repeat once. This feeling allows us to view learning as something light and pleasant. And when we realize after learning during sleep study, then we may find that we either only half the time to learn or need now reproduce in the same time double the learning content.

The main advantage of modern sleep-learning method is therefore quite clearly and unequivocally that we:

  • First Learn faster
  • Second Effective Learning
  • Third Easier to learn

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

Learning while sleeping

The subconscious mind learns while sleeping

Learning is usually seen as a difficult activity, and it is tempting for this reason, this seemingly unpleasant activity as much as possible to go out of the way. Why is that? And why the learning is usually considered stressful, unpleasant and uncomfortable to be so difficult? That’s because the human subconscious fights against everything that is learned consciously. However, one can not definitely say that the conscious learning would be useless in all respects. No, not at all. But a certain kind of learning is useless, namely to want to squeeze the misguided efforts, knowledge material in the memory, the so-called buffalo.

Our memory does know stuff quite easily possible to self. One can for example be a hypnotized subject to any section of a newspaper to read once. Then you take away her newspaper. After some time she gives you a big and blank sheet of paper in his hand and suggested it, this would be the newspaper and she should now read the section again. And what you experience like? The subject reproduced the article imagination according to the blank sheet and reads it properly before it from memory.

This indicates that the memory’s play is learning body of knowledge, such as languages, vocabulary and texts, and that every effort is actually nonsense here. For this reason, our subconscious mind reacts to learning the traditional way with uneasiness and resentment and it creates the annoying feeling that learning as vocabulary and formulas is difficult and cumbersome.

Our memory and our subconscious are also receptive when we sleep normally. And this basic knowledge is the theoretical basis of the sleep-learning method.

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

The subconsciousness learns in the sleep

Agents trained by learning while asleep

During World War II, the method was „learning during sleep“ is already used as part of the American defense organization to train (Office of Strategic Services), secret agents and train. In this case the agents were learning during sleep taught foreign accents, habits, customs, dates, names, etc. that were for their effective use in enemy territory is very important. Also other official bodies such as the air force, the navy and the army did with the sleep-learning method successful attempts.

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

Agents learn in sleep

Which foreign languages are suitable to the sleeping learning?

In trade you receive foreign linguistic courses with words and texts in all degrees of difficulty from different producers. With many offers it is to be seen importantly to the fact that the linguistic courses enclose also set to music learning contents.

If you want to learn straight a certain or several foreign language in the sleep, we recommend you universal linguistic courses with more than 70 different foreign languages for the choice.

According to learning status are available to you with base course, construction course and express train course inklusiv about several thousand set to music words (English / foreign language) and set to music texts (foreign language) as an audio-CD MP3 or as an audio-download MP3 (recommended).

These audio-courses MP3 are suitable for the sleep-learning method LEARN IN THE SLEEP of Tony Gaschler very well.

Request for your desired foreign language immediately about the following link.

On the article side of LEARN WHILE YOU SLEEP you can select in in colour suitable foreign linguistic courses for LEARNING put under sales „in THE SLEEP“ directly about the link MULTIMEDIA-LINGUISTIC COURSES the suitable course and order. They can request before about the same link for a free hearing test. They receive a small choice of set to music words with a foreign language after choice. Convince yourselves of the translation quality of these linguistic courses.

Learn While You Sleep. Quickly, simply and effectively. Learn languages through subliminal learning. Learn foreign languages without an accent. Learn texts and vocabulary without swotting.

Suitable foreign languages for learning in the sleep